HYROX is the global sport of fitness racing for Every Body. The HYROX event is a circuit-style race consisting of 8 functional movement stations, with 1 kilometer of running before each.
- Stations: Ski Erg, Sled Push, Sled Pull, Burpee Broad Jump, Row Erg, Farmers Carry, Lunges, Wall Balls
- Mid-level endurance: 1.5 hour average time amongst all competitors
- 10 race divisions
- 10 age divisions (16yr – 70yr+)
- No time caps, no qualifications!
Each race is hosted indoors in expansive exhibition halls, creating an immersive and electrifying race, where your spectators can support you from the very beginning to the very end.
The HYROX race format remains consistent across the globe. People compete in the exact same format, for time, enabling real-time global leaderboard results and worldwide rankings.s
Those who make up the global HYROX community come from a massive range of physical and athletic backgrounds. The sport accommodates the goals of professional athletes, everyday fitness enthusiasts and those just getting started in their health and wellness journey. All under one roof! HYROX is the first and only global fitness race for Every Body. You decide where this sport takes you!
The cumulative at the end of each HYROX racing Season is the HYROX World Championships – anyone can qualify!